Dogathon 06'
I was woke up early in the morning to join the Yearly Dogathon (13-08-06) in Bukit Serdang by UPM. Right before I step in the ground, my playmates Groovy and Pacco already won the Dogathon first runner up and consolation prize. Incredible man..
I was invited to do some frisbee demo and flyball demo among the crowd. I pull myself for the frisbee after irritate by the crowd clapping sounds, but manage to run few round of flyball demo.
It's a hot sunny day, my sporting owner registered me into some games and I doing well during the musical chair game, if not because of her XXL butts, I would have just add in the winner list..They said mongrel can be an idol too, so I am asked to do some roll over among the crowd, peoply are just kind enough to cheer me up even just a single roll over.. can you see the good being a mongrel.
I just very confuse this year I didn't invite to step up the stage yet I was invited to join in the winners group pictures and go home with many gifts and some prizes. Everybody smiling faces, hmmmm, not too bad...I must not miss the next coming dogathon then.
You are definitely one talented dog!
Bussie Kissies
Good on ya for joing the dogathon! Wow, you are very clever indeed. Where did you learn all those cool stuff like flyball? Have you been to agility class like Pacco? Pacco told me that you are super duper and can do a lot of stuff off leash.
I think mongrels rock and they make good role models.
By the way, whats this musical chair thing? It looks like fun!
Jojo been to ob class, rather than that she just play at home for fun... but sat she will go to petnu play session just to social around. she is just playful, her mod swing in 10 seconds (like the owner), so hard to predict what she will do for the next second.. haha..
musical chair is a game where everybody msut walk the dog around a circles and sit stay the dog when music stop, human hv to grab a chair to sit while the dog stay in front, those cant get a chair will be out. dogs stand up or move hv to re adjust their dogs stay neatly before sit on the chair again.. am i confusing?
WOW! This musical chairs game sound like fun. I have never heard of it and I think its quite special!!
I think we don't have such things in small sillypore (Singapore). boo hoo. I can see lush green wide open spaces in your pics...
Fei has never been to Obedience school. The obedience commands she knows have been taught by us at home and had a trainer come to our home to help us.
private trainer must b very expensive...
going to sch is not a must actually.. juz try to bring her out n practise some of d command, wil b good enuf..
Fei, yea what pacco mention true also besides if u join the class u can make new friends and more fun too.. just imagine u march in a group.. u will be very proud of that.. haha
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