Jojo fun outing part II - Pet N U

Every saturday when others busy on shopping; I am busy playing in an indoor park by a dog training sch - Pet N U. I enjoy the session very much; as it is not too crowded, everybody can play on the equipments. My sporting owner won't let go any chances and I am asked to do flyball, agility, frisbee, obedient.. and.. whatever can come into her minds.

I like to run far far away from the crowd ;sniff around and check out the ground on the other end. I wonder if Fei like to run like me as well? If so, should join the coming Bull run 06'
Besides that, I m also enjoy find myself a favourate spot under the shade and resting there while the human enjoying their nasi lemak and chit chat non stop at the other end. Are they chatting what treats they going to rewards me for the next session? I wonder..
I remember I read somewhere : talented dogs always hide their talent. If you compare myself with my IQ zero brother, you can see the different: if you show your talent you will asked to run up and down the obstacles before you can get your treats, myself? just go tru a see saw will get the same equal amount of treat. Keep this secret to yourself.
Jojo @->--
Me is like the running too! But I don't think I can run as fast as you, JoJo. I think this Pet N U is very big huh? I don't think we have such places in Sillypore, I mean, Singapore. Didn't even know about the SGX doggy run too! But Eve and Caz are leaving for Japan in hoo...I will miss them a little but I will be going on a homestay at Auntie Y's and there are many doggies there!!! SO happy, um, I mean, sad to miss them.
It's great that you bond with Jojo like that and take her out to do sporting activities and exercise her. You're an exemplary owner!
p.s. I LOVE NASI LEMAK and SAMBAL! yum yum, Malaysia has very good sambal I think?! and Nasi Padang!!
hey jojo...u're real updated....s'pore event oso u gotta know about it...
IQ zero bro? pacco wil tel russell when she gotta chance..then he;ll make sure u'l miss d next outdoor trip..
Haha ...IQ 0 bro! Yup always believe dat u guys r smarter den most pure breeds, mayb on par with us JRTs.
C dat u r getting more comfortable with all d agility obstacles n even catching balls at flyball, sweet. Just watch out, Shirley ur boss, may just figure it out 1 day.
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It's AWESOME that you have a place to run and play,Just look at all the room you and your paw-pals have..woof-woof
Lot's of Lick's
Hey Jojo - I nominated the picture with all you dogs in it! Go the the forum and see!
Bussie Kissies
fei, haha u luv nasi lemak too!? we should go and try together one day, ok?! i heard singapore there hv a fence up dog park? yea, jojo improve lots, now she can offleash and play around with other dogs, last time - no way.. haha
wired fox terrier,
yea saw the picture, tq for promoting us. i am going to vote myself. ho ho ho
What is nasi lemak? I love lots of stuff but don't think I know this. "Nasi lemak"....should I wish for that for my birthday? Gosh, Jojo, you have a great smile. I tell YOUUU, it's the BEST smile I've ever seen on anyone.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Nasi lemak is often served with cucumber slices, small dried anchovies, roasted peanuts, and other such condiments. The name is derived from the cooking process whereby rice is soaked in rich coconut cream and then the mixture steamed. Sometimes knotted screwpine (pandan) leaves are thrown into the rice while steaming to give it more fragrance. Occasionally, other herbs such as ginger and lemon grass may also be added for additional fragrance. You should try that one day! yum yum... Yea, because my owner told me smile then can be rewards!
wah...jojo promoting m'sia food..
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