Jojo Fun outing part III - Mud
Oh, I luv mud, I think all dogs do. Agreed? I just know it.. sometimes when my owners lazy to walk us, we will be free to run on some mud spots found on my area, each time after the session they even need to do more to clean us up.. well, that is human. Okay, let's not worry about that, not my problems, I just know mud theraphy is good for my skin. Run is even good for my health. Most important, it's FUN!
"Groovy help to point out for Russell where 's safe to play"
Here's one of my recent mud play spot, a place with some ponds that my brother always fall inside, I think he has eye sight problem.
Here another earlier spot we use to play, but now I found it grow some building instead of grass.
Sometimes too muddy I will do some sand bath before head home, but my brother never know how to do it, he still need people to bath him.. big baby boy.
I hope next dogathon they should come up mud run instead of road run, I am more up for that..
Paw, Jojo
Wow looks like you had fun. I have never played in the mud ever. We don't really go out on rainy days... sigh.
Fei & E
no choice, my stingy owners hardly buy toys for us..
i wonder how pacco black fur looks like if she got cover up wit mud...
my brown dog!
Hi JoJo,
Any dog that is a friend of Mary-Margaret's must be one great dog! You look like you are having so much fun!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Jojo, you've been tagged. Seemy blog for details.
Fei & E
Mud bath! mud bath! Gimme, gimme, gimme...
Wow! A doggie spa!
Bussie Kissies
A field of mud. What an adventur!I bet you loved the muddiest puddle.woof-woof.
Lot'sof Lick's
Wow, Jojo. You looked like you had a muddy and sandy good time!
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