Jojo Fun Outings Part V - Nostalgia : Doggie events in town!

Year 2005 UPM Dogathon (07-08-05):
An exciting yearly event by UPM in Serdang, Selangor. My second attend to this event; for sure I am truly enjoyed in this event! Most unforgetable memory was: first time I saw huge horse! I never thought of besides dogs and human there are horse too, no wonder they said everyday you are learning something.
I was invited to step up the winning stage as well; I won the fastest eating 2nd place and top 10 best tricks.
There are many fun games to join in as well; my owner told me this is part of the charity event. I am happy besides can have fun and I am contributing something to the society as well.
Pets and You Open Day (21-08-05):
An opening day by a local training school. Many interesting new games they organized especially the recall jump over the hurdles. I am surprise to see there re many kids can handle our dogs so well, I enjoyed many great demo as well.
I joined in few games as usual, there are many well trained dogs I met here, even I run like mad dog during the recall, I didn’t get any placing. It doesn’t matter, I enjoy very much on others games.
Probably the crowd was too excited, I am a little nervous by their hand clapping sounds. So, my owners bring me to another end to try out some of the agility equipments by the school. This was also the first time I tried the real equipments, that is so cool! After few tried I am managed to go trough the collapsing tunnel, my owner was very happy. They can easily cheer up by small little things just like a big baby.
However I never thought of one day this ground can become my weekly playground. Hopefully this doggie enclosed park can last forever.
Petsafari Treasure Hunt (Round 1) 04-09-05:
I was invited to join the Petsafari Treasure Hunt on 04-09-05, something totally new to me. I am asked to tag along my owner to search everything they asked.
I am very excited and I pull my owner all the way hoping she can run a little bit faster, she looks very serious and nervous. I am comforting her: Don't worry let me handle this. So, I eat whatever she can't finish on each station, and pointing everywhere commands her to search. She disappointed me, she not really high IQ as me no doubt I am wearing Number 8 thought of bringing some luck for her...
Anyway, I have fun because can window shop around the complex while she doing the job.
Malaysia Responsible Dog Ownership Day (11-09-05):
I am trying to accompany my owners to attend their moral class this day. They help us educate the human how to take better care of us - dogs.
Since the responsible is not fall on me, I putting myself having fun in all the games. To surprise my owner, I won the down stay top 3. Okay, one will do. You can't perform all the times; they will just ask you repeat the task again if they know you can do it.
There are many top dogs demo you can see during this day. We don't have doctor and lawyer but we have Bomba dogs, police dogs, guard dogs - those professional all are my idols, most important: they enjoy the work and appreciate their job very much, because I never see any of them complaints. We - dogs: Never complaints. I met many new friends this day...
PetsUnite Halloween Party (04-09-05):
Sometimes my owners very 'ang moh’, she likes to try everything. I heard there is once one of her oversea pen pal show her some Halloween costume, she was crazy and curious into this 'Halloween' and she suggested the party to be on for all dog lovers, lucky her, there are some friends crazy like her... so, then here we go: a first Halloween party for all dogs and human.
I think she was too free. She sews each of us a new dress with a devil head onto it: she said that is pumpkin. I am not sure what is that for, no one scare of it as well, she just cartoon sometimes. The party was in an indoor dog park, but it was closed down for other purposes now.
I just miss the place so much... I went to this place few times for my agility fun session before it closed down. I am sure everybody have a good time that night...
Wow, still cn remember all dese events ... seemed like a long time ago. Nice 2 look back.
Wow you and your pals just party on don;t you!
Bussie Kissies
v miss d petsunite so much...hope tat v can manage 2 organize sumthing similar in future...
remember 2 bring along ur DIY poles n seesaw...!
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