Jojo Fun Outing Part IV - Rainny Days are fun..
I am a Kampong (Village) mutt, I play cheap games. Human does the same, I were being told they even fishing in the Longkang (Drain) during their childhood. Only different, We - mutts, can still enjoy our fun in our doghood, human can't.. or they won't.. or they shy.. whatever.. I don't care, that's me, I do what I like.. my day always bright.
I did all those in my puppyhood and I repeat it over and over again now. Hey, not I want okay, I have no choice, because I can't find any snow here...
You can see rainbow once a while, my owners told me if you smile u can see rainbow, if you cry u will hear thunder..I have to keep on smiling.. I don't like the sky sing.
There are too much fun during rainny days; you can run like no head chicken and use your powerful brake pad to splash all the water onto your owners; you can even play flyball in the rain, that is so much.
Rainny days also is the time my owners will stop sitting in front of the silly computer or tv box and spent good time with us. After the run and bath time, I am really enjoy the windy cooling night curling myself and sleep well.
Now, stop sitting in front of your box, and bring us out to play! - Jojo