Jojo fun outing part II - Pet N U

Every saturday when others busy on shopping; I am busy playing in an indoor park by a dog training sch - Pet N U. I enjoy the session very much; as it is not too crowded, everybody can play on the equipments. My sporting owner won't let go any chances and I am asked to do flyball, agility, frisbee, obedient.. and.. whatever can come into her minds.

I like to run far far away from the crowd ;sniff around and check out the ground on the other end. I wonder if Fei like to run like me as well? If so, should join the coming Bull run 06'
Besides that, I m also enjoy find myself a favourate spot under the shade and resting there while the human enjoying their nasi lemak and chit chat non stop at the other end. Are they chatting what treats they going to rewards me for the next session? I wonder..
I remember I read somewhere : talented dogs always hide their talent. If you compare myself with my IQ zero brother, you can see the different: if you show your talent you will asked to run up and down the obstacles before you can get your treats, myself? just go tru a see saw will get the same equal amount of treat. Keep this secret to yourself.
Jojo @->--