Merry Christmas!
I received many cards during this festival, there are from different countries,oh I feel so special this year..

Last week my friend groovy boy came and visit us for few days, I'm asked to spent my sleeping, playing and eating time together with him. My master like a dog walker with 3 dogs on 2 hands, here some photos took during the special season happen on my home :
We getting along after 1st night, no doubt we have different height, different size, and different look..
We having meal time together, but I still like to have it with Peony because after he not finish I can have it all myself..
This year we have many gifts, groovemaster kind enough bring us many treats and gift from oversea, I love the big bone most but my master say she likes the lid cover the most, we told after the Christmas only we can open the gift, but I have special pass I can hv my big bone now.
This Year we have a special Christmas and here we wish all doggies around the world : Merry Christmas!

This year we have many gifts, groovemaster kind enough bring us many treats and gift from oversea, I love the big bone most but my master say she likes the lid cover the most, we told after the Christmas only we can open the gift, but I have special pass I can hv my big bone now.
This Year we have a special Christmas and here we wish all doggies around the world : Merry Christmas!