I'm a little bit of everything..

Jojo's words:
I'm a little bit of :
Agility - I don't really like fast sport, I found no meaning behind it.. but anyway I need to please my owner I have to do it, but in my own speed...
Flyball - As I mentioned earlier, I just hate fast sport, but I'm still ok with it since one round then I can get my treats, well, that is fair and square..

Protection - I can announce loudly : I'm a good guard dog - for home only.
Fashion Show - Come on.. this is worse, my owner once in a blue moon will like to put some costume on me, I hate it! I am complaining each times but she said I got to work for my own rice bowl.

Fatest Eating - haha, what else can be better then just eat and get rewards? I don't understand why my brother likes to work hard for small little treat.. silly boy.

Water - Oh no, I'm sorry I can't swim but I enjoy running wild on the beach.. well, at least I am not blocking my owners and brother enjoying their summer swim. However, I am very obey when times really have no choice - bathing time.
Car ride - I enjoy car ride especially you see human walking outside and you are sitting inside yet faster than them. But my owners claim that not only my character stubborn, my fur too.. they said too difficult to vacuum after me. I think they are just too much complaints.

Photography -
Games - Sometimes you just need to learnt some games to cheer your human, like seek and hide, chase and run, fetching .. you see , when they miss their childhood and they shy to play in public, so you just need to help them sometimes..
Health - If you are multi talented dog and yet everyday you need to visit vets, that is pointless, keeping a healthy body is our priority, so? Start your engine now and... RUNNNN...!!