today is Pet n You 1 yrs old Birthday, Couldn't believe I am older than them! Very well organize event and many new games for us to try out. Thank you groovemaster putting so much effort and make it a real success.

Hey, this round I manage to catch few rounds frisbee but not very obvious to the crowd as I need to do this far far away from them, I am camera shy.. haha
Okay, flyball one round too, that's all..

but guess what, I can't believe I can jump quite far during one of the broad jumps try out game! Gosshh, my owner will ask me jump n jump again if there's similar game for the next event.. I forget my rule, but not to worry, I remember after that so I pretend I am extremely tired and no mod, just like dog right finish swim hundred laps. Okay, I won - I can just rest there and enjoy the rest of the day, enjoy to view others working hard to show me their tricks.

My playmate Pacco this round score A's on her report card,
Champion Broad Jump! Don't play play .. :
We re mutts; we are smart! Also a 2nd runner sniff out her favourate treats.

Groovy was fully book on many demo, heel work to music, flyball, agility, 20 poles weaving, frisbee.. you name it, he gots it. Good work, groove~

My brother getting smarter he's on the way to join my resting gang. My owner soon will give up and we will be YahOoooo.. since he is the only male dog in my house, he needs to work for living, he earn me some living. So today I can just be his hurdle and let him jump over.
End of the day, what else? It's photo session!